"Muscle Pain During Alcohol Detox" is a common and often challenging symptom faced by individuals undergoing the journey to sobriety. When embarking on alcohol detoxification, the body begins an intensive process of readjusting to function without...
Substance Abuse Treatment
Preparing for Methamphetamine Detox
Choosing to begin addiction treatment is a big step for anyone struggling with methamphetamine addiction. There are numerous physical and mental health benefits to stopping drug use, but many people are reluctant because they don’t know how to...
Why Choose a Medication-Assisted Treatment Center in New Hampshire?
New Hampshire, the Granite State, is a beautiful state and is one of the best places to live in the entire United States. However, it is not immune to the rising concern about addiction that is sweeping the nation. In response to this, Liberty...
5 Benefits of Medication-Assisted Treatment
Recovering from an addiction can be difficult. When someone abuses substances for a long time, their body adapts to the presence of drugs or alcohol. When someone attempts to detox from what they were abusing, it can cause unpleasant and even...
Why Are Prescription Drugs More Dangerous Than OTC?
Modern medicines have been greatly helpful in improving people’s lifespans and quality of life. People who live with life-threatening diseases can lead comfortable lives thanks to many kinds of medications that have been developed. However, some...
Preparing for Prescription Drug Detox
It is a common misconception that addiction only involves illicit drugs. The abuse of legal, prescription medication is prevalent and just as dangerous as an addiction to illicit substances. A dependence on prescription drugs can lead to...
Cocaine vs. Crack
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2019, cocaine was responsible for 1 in 5 overdose deaths. Illegal stimulants like cocaine and crack are very dangerous. While there are some differences between cocaine vs....
Is Crack Cocaine Deadly?
Crack is a crystallized form of cocaine that produces a more intense sensation than other drugs. Is crack deadly? In high enough doses, abusing crack can increase your body temperature to dangerous levels and can damage vital organs, including the...
Why Is Crack Cocaine Dangerous?
Smoking crack creates a near-instantaneous high that can be very addicting, especially for those with depression or other mental health disorders. Why is crack dangerous? Abusing crack cocaine can lead to psychological impairment and several...
What Is Crack Cocaine?
Smoking crack creates a near-instantaneous high that can be very addicting, especially for those with depression or other mental health disorders. Why is crack dangerous? Abusing crack cocaine can lead to psychological impairment and several...