Understanding Precipitated Withdrawal: A Deep Dive into Opioid Recovery's Unexpected Challenge In the journey of opioid recovery, individuals often encounter various challenges, from the emotional toll of breaking an addiction to the physical...
The Vital Role of Narcan
Combating the Opioid Crisis: The Vital Role of Narcan New Hampshire is grappling with an opioid epidemic that demands urgent attention. In 2022, drug overdose deaths surged by a staggering 11%, reaching a near-decade high of 486. This alarming...
Finding Faith on the Road to Recovery in New Hampshire
Faith in Recovery in New Hampshire Discover how faith plays a pivotal role in the recovery journey within New Hampshire's supportive treatment landscape. At Liberty Health Services, we empower individuals to find strength, purpose, and...
Addressing Substance Use in Rural Areas
Addressing Substance Use in Rural Areas: Liberty Health Services Takes Charge Liberty Health Services provides support for rural communities and is addressing substance use in rural areas. We cater to clients from rural New Hampshire and Maine....
Empowering Substance Use Disorder Recovery: NH Gives and the Path to Healing
New Hampshire is no stranger to the challenges of substance use disorder, but the state is also home to a vibrant community of organizations dedicated to supporting individuals on the path to recovery. NH Gives, a 24-hour online fundraising event,...
Substance Use and Support, New Hampshire
As a community, we must understand that Substance use disorder and support must go hand in hand to promote recovery. Substance use disorders are dangerous and prevalent in many communities across New Hampshire. The power of community support cannot...
What Does Valium Withdrawal Feel Like?
When Valium is used as directed by a physician, it usually helps more than it harms. However, because Valium creates calming, relaxing feelings, it has a high potential for abuse and addiction. If Valium is used over a long period of time, the user...
Signs of Meth Addiction
It can be very concerning when someone you care about is abusing drugs. How can you tell if a person is using meth? Is your loved one at risk for meth addiction? Even though these questions can be alarming, knowing more about meth abuse signs and...
What to Look for In a Luxury Drug Rehab Center
When you or a loved one has already come to the difficult decision that it is time to seek treatment for drug or alcohol addiction, the next step is finding a drug rehab center that is a good fit. In order to focus fully on recovery, it is...